Listed below are the research team's public speaking events and seminars relating to the study's subject area, as well as research methodology and methods. Where a speaking event is presenting findings from The Boundaries Longitudinal Study, this will be stated.
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Världskulturmuseet, Göteborg
Spehar medverkar i presentation om svensk migrationspolitik från 90-talet och framåt. Läs mer här.
Världskulturmuseet, Göteborg
School of Global Health, University of Copenhagen
As part of the Nordic Global Health Talks series, Greenbrook will present the foundations of the Boundaries Longitudinal Study.
School of Global Health, University of Copenhagen
Hälsovetenskapligt centrum, Göteborg
Greenbrook will present the study protocol of the Boundaries Longitudinal Study.
Hälsovetenskapligt centrum, Göteborg
Världskulturmuseet, Göteborg
Greenbrook will present findings from research on physician's experiences of encountering undocumented patients in the context of care.
Världskulturmuseet, Göteborg
Bokmässan, Göteborg Gothenburg Book Fair
Spehar medverkar i Amnesty International Sveriges panel om EU:s politik, asylrätten och rättssäkerhet.
Bokmässan, Göteborg Gothenburg Book Fair
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